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※ 有料アンケート・ポイント付き質問機能は2023年2月28日に終了しました。


id:Luecke No.1




♪Abaの日常英会話と英語学習スクール♪〜無料英会話レッスン〜 電話のビジネス英語・ビジネス英会話  ネイティブと英語で電話にて仕事する時に使える、無料日常英語・英会話レッスン ネイティブ英語の勉強・学習に役立つ英会話


1番目は、部門の場合 Hello と言わずにいきなり名乗ることが多いです。出たときにいきなり Customer support. May I help you? などと言います。

4番目は Who would you like to talk with?


発信ボタンについては相手の電話によって変わってるし普通は特別なキーがあるわけでないのであまり言わないですが、0発信なら You need to push 0 key for local call. とかでしょうか。


1.xxxx section. May I help you? or Hello!

2.I think you must have the wrong number.

3.Which number are you calling?

4.Who would you like to talk with?

5.You need to push 0 key for local call.


7.That’s OK.  Good-bye.

2番は、番号を間違ってると思うよっていう感じなので、なんかあやふやな感じなのかな。丁寧にびしっと間違ってるぜ!って言い切りたいような気がします。3.のWhich number are you calling?はしっくりきますね。




2005/05/27 23:40:51
id:kskg No.2






「Hello, this is ~department / section.」


「You have the wrong number.」



1.xxxx section. May I help you? or Hello!

Hello, this is xxxxx department / section

2.You have the wrong number.

I think you must have the wrong number.

3.Which number are you calling?

4.Who would you like to talk with?

5.You need to push 0 key for local call.


7.That’s OK.  Good-bye.




2005/05/27 23:53:20
id:yuigadokusonjin No.3





---> You have reached the office of ○○ at the number of xxxx (または課名で切って、Our number is xxxx.)


---> I’m afraid [I think] you have called a wrong number. または、 You may have called a wrong number.


---> What number did you try to call?


---> Which office [Where] are you trying to reach?


---> You must hit the 発信ボタン (すみません、なんていうか見当つきません。~~ button/key かなあ。)before you start pushing the numbers when you want to call that number.


---> The key is right at the ○th from the top (at the top or at the very bottom), the ○th from the left (at the most left or at the most right).


---> 普通はもっとカジュアルなので、

あなた ”Got it?”

相手  ”Yeah, I got it. Thanks.”

あなた ”You are welcome. Bye.”

っていう風に進むと思うんですが、去り際によく ”Have a great day.” と言うのは常套文句です。



1.You have reached the office of xxxx department/section at the number of xxxx( <- telephon number)

You have reached the office of xxxx department/section. Our number is xxxx( <- telephon number)

xxxx section. May I help you? or Hello!

Hello, this is xxxxx department / section

2. You may have called a wrong number.

I’m afraid [I think] you have called a wrong number.

You have the wrong number.

I think you must have the wrong number.

3.What number did you try to call?

Which number are you calling?

4.Which office [Where] are you trying to reach?

Who would you like to talk with?

5.You must hit the (発信ボタン) before you start pushing the numbers when you want to call that number.

You need to push 0 key for local call.

6.The key is right at the ○th from the top (at the top or at the very bottom), the ○th from the left (at the most left or at the most right).

7.That’s OK.  Good-bye.

me ”Got it?”

”Yeah, I got it. Thanks.”

me”You are welcome. Bye.”

おー、かなり目的のものに近づいて参りました。日ごろから英語も使っていらっしゃるとのことで、心強いです。どうやら発信ボタンを英語で表すのはちょっと難しいみたいですね。「その番号に発信するための専用のボタンがありまして、そのボタンを押さないと駄目なんですよ。」といった具合にまわりくどいことをいったあげく、私たちはそれを「HASSIN button」と呼んでいます。みたいな展開がいいのかもしれませんね。でも、間違い電話ごときでここまで回りくどいこと言われたらイラっとしませんかね(心配)

最後のは、そういう展開になることを祈るしかないですね。何をいわれても自分はGot it →xxxxxxxxx→You are welcome. Bye.なんで…場合によっては「はぁ?」な展開もありえますね。

2005/05/28 00:23:19
id:Kumappus No.4





”This is the ○○ division and our phone number is xxxx.”

”You have a wrong number.”

”To (which division/department)/(whom) are you going to call?”

”You have to press the ’call out’ button before you press the phone number.”

”The ’call out’ button is at the top(一番上)/XXX(それ以外)(second, third, fourth...) button from the top / XXX(second, third, fourth...) button from the left / leftmost / rightmost button.”

挨拶は、どうでしょうねえ?”OK?””Anything you don’t understand?””Thank you, bye”ぐらいでいいような気がします。


1.You have reached the office of xxxx department/section at the number of xxxx( <- telephone number)

You have reached the office of xxxx department/section. Our number is xxxx( <- telephone number)

This is the xxxxx division and our phone number is xxxx.( <- telephone number)

xxxx section. May I help you? or Hello!

Hello, this is xxxxx department / section

”You have to press the ’call out’ button before you press the phone number.”

”The ’call out’ button is at the top(一番上)/XXX(それ以外)(second, third, fourth...) button from the top / XXX(second, third, fourth...) button from the left / leftmost / rightmost button.”

2. You may have called a wrong number.

I’m afraid [I think] you have called a wrong number.

You have the wrong number.

I think you must have the wrong number.

3.What number did you try to call?

Which number are you calling?

4.Which office [Where] are you trying to reach?

To (which division/department)/(whom) are you going to call?

Who would you like to talk with?

5.You must hit the (発信ボタン) before you start pushing the numbers when you want to call that number.

You have to press the ’call out’ button before you press the phone number. 【call out button=発信ボタン】

You need to push 0 key for local call.

6.The key is right at the ○th from the top (at the top or at the very bottom), the ○th from the left (at the most left or at the most right).

The ’call out’ button is at the [top(一番上)/XXX(それ以外)(second, third, fourth...) button from the top ]/[ XXX(second, third, fourth...) button from the left] /[ leftmost] /[ rightmost button].”

7.That’s OK.  Good-bye.

me ”Got it?”

”Yeah, I got it. Thanks.”

me”You are welcome. Bye.”

call out ですね。なるほどー 通じるといいな。なんか、こんだけ覚えただけで、間違い電話が少し楽しみになりました。あとは自分で実際に使ってみて、少しづつ覚えてみようと思います。今日までに何度か対応しましたが、なかなかうまく伝わらないのが、悔しかったのを思い出しまして…

2005/05/28 01:22:28
id:acacia-blanca No.5



This is (your name) in 〇〇 division speaking.

(I believe )you have a wrong number.

Which number did you call?

Whom in which division do you want to taik to?

When you want to make a call to the number, you have to push the specific button on the phone.

Please watch your phone. The button is (the blue one) at the very top/bottm of the square-chape buttons on your left/right hand.


最後の失礼します、はカジュアルな表現(have a good oneなど)しかわからないので参考にならないと思い書きませんでした。



とりあえず上記表現は通じると思いますが、役員と話すようなFromalな場合は、I believe you have を You could have など、また want を ’d like to など の婉曲表現にかえる必要があると思います。




1.You have reached the office of xxxx department/section at the number of xxxx( <- telephone number)

You have reached the office of xxxx department/section. Our number is xxxx( <- telephone number)

This is the xxxxx division and our phone number is xxxx.( <- telephone number)

xxxx section. May I help you? or Hello!

Hello, this is xxxxx department / section

This is (your name) in 〇〇 division speaking.

2. You may have called a wrong number.

I’m afraid [I think] you have called a wrong number.

You have the wrong number.

You could have the wrong number.

I think you must have the wrong number.

3.What number did you try to call?

Which number did you call?

Which number are you calling?

4.Which office [Where] are you trying to reach?

To (which division/department)/(whom) are you going to call?

Whom in which division do you want to taik to?

Who would you like to talk with?

5.You must hit the (発信ボタン) before you start pushing the numbers when you want to call that number.

You have to press the ’call out’ button before you press the phone number. 【call out button=発信ボタン】

When you [’d like to / want to] make a call to the number, you have to push the specific button on the phone.

You need to push 0 key for local call.

6.The key is right at the ○th from the top (at the top or at the very bottom), the ○th from the left (at the most left or at the most right).

The ’call out’ button is at the [top(一番上)/XXX(それ以外)(second, third, fourth...) button from the top ]/[ XXX(second, third, fourth...) button from the left] /[ leftmost] /[ rightmost button].”

Please watch your phone. The button is (the blue one) at the very top/bottm of the square-chape buttons on your left/right hand.

7.That’s OK.  Good-bye.

have a good one.

me ”Got it?”

”Yeah, I got it. Thanks.”

me”You are welcome. Bye.”







ガッてぃ?って言ってわけわかんないこと言われたら You say ”Yeah, I got it. Thanks.” you see?とか


2005/05/28 01:43:56




