マーケティング リサーチの質問です。Why do we care about significance differences and how does that match up with the idea of association?是非 協力をお願いします。

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  • 終了:2006/09/26 13:55:17
※ 有料アンケート・ポイント付き質問機能は2023年2月28日に終了しました。


id:ssueno No.1



Differentiation is to compete against direct competitors. It is to show the significance to the direct consumer and protect the existing individual product. But in the recent years of having competition in a wider scale industry level, association and partnering has become the macro level theme for competing against indirect competition. That these outside competitors can potentially become the long term threat to the industry. In my humble opinion “Coopetnation (cooperation + competition)” is now the new way of business.


id:sibazyun No.2


  1. If there were only slight difference between your party and the others, you might not run at the foremost position.
  2. However, it is very hard to have difference, which should be distinguished by the majority.
  3. Thus stands the idea of association; your party gives some of your best practice, to take some of the best practice of the associated partner.

http://www.nsae.org/about.htm (not so much related)

id:MC2 No.3



In the era of mass production, differences come from qualities of products. However, these days the differences don’t come from the factor. People start to care more about design and other factors that appeal the motivation to own the products to buyers. In this case, people cannot simply rely on their own sense but would like to know how other people feel and think. Therefore, people seem to have more importance on word of mouth type of marketing. Also, there are so many choices now and people need to know what are good and bad.





