Yahoo! JAPAN
This institution spread the Gifu method health 5 method (it is the way of staying healthy strengthens spontaneous cure power and it is made not to become sick) which Gifu Prefecture advocates, and it was made in order to promote a ”healthy obstacle reduction-by-half plan.” Enjoying freely a healthy cosmetics method with various people of the prefecture and general visitors, it learns, experiences and practices and is the people’s of the prefecture ”healthy exercise hall” which can be interchanged. Plottage is about 250ha and a scale equivalent to about 53 TOKYO DOME. The inside of a site has various healthy experience institutions centering on a healthy study center, and is preparing various experience programs including the standing lecture which can carry out healthy experience every day.
awindowさんのプロフィール - はてな
I spread Gifu method health 5 methods that Gifu proposed (it is the hygiene that I reinforce spontaneous cure power, and do not get sick), and this institution was made to promote ”a healthy obstacle reduction by half plan”.
While citizen of the prefecture and general visitor enjoys various healthy beauty method willingly, I practice learning, an experience, and it is ”a health dojo studio” of a citizen of the prefecture who can interchange.
About 250 hectares plottage is scale equivalent to about 53 Tokyo domes.
A site has various healthy experience institutions led by healthy learning center, and I begin the permanent construction lecture that health can experience every day, and your business will does various experience programs.
1000ポイント差し上げます!! 以下の文章の英訳をお願いします。 岐阜県にある施設の紹介文だそうです。 上司から知り合いの外人に紹介するときの資料にしたいとの事で、.. - 人力検索はてな
This facility is established to implement “the plan to reduce health disturbances by half” of Gifu Prefecture by using the “Five rules of health in Gifu” set up by Gifu Prefecture itself. This “Five rules” includes how to exploit natural healing power and to have tolerance to diseases.
This facility is “Health Ashram” of the Gifu residents. All guests can enjoy studying, experience and practicing various kinds of rules of health.
The lot area of this facility is around 250 hectare, or some 620 acre, about fifty-three times as large as Tokyo Dome. This facility consists of wide variety of equipment for health, including Health Study Center. We offer everyday courses for health care and many other experience-based programs.
岐阜メソッド健康五法=>5 laws for health of Gifu method
健康障害半減計画=>the reduction-by-half plan of ill health
健康学習センター=>The Health Learning Center
健康道場=>The Health Dojo
The aim of this insutitution is the promotion of the reduction-by-half plan of ill health through ”5 laws for health of Gifu method” as it is the way of keeping health to make natural healing power more strong.Both of Gifu citizen and general visitor will be able to enjoy,watch,learn and exprience various methods to keep health and beauty.And they can know each other.So we call here ”The Health Dojo”.
Our area is about 250 ha as large as 53 times of Tokyo Dome. We have various facilities to learn the way to keep health.The Health Learning Center is the most important facility.We provide a lot of exprience programs including the standing lecture that people can carry out healthy experience every day.
This facility was established to spread “Gifu method – Five health tips”, rules to strengthen natural healing power and reduce the risk of getting ill, and to promote “Halving health problems program”. Residents of as well as visitors to Gifu can learn, experience, practice and communicate various health programs in friendly setting.
The size of the facility is about 250ha, which is about 53 as large as TOKYO DOME. Health learning center and wide range of health equipments are available for public use. Daily health experience program and other wellness programs are also offered.
プロ訳=プロフェッショナルの翻訳 or プログラム翻訳どちらでしょうか・・・。
This institution spread the Gifu method health 5 method (it is the way of staying healthy strengthens spontaneous cure power and it is made not to become sick) which Gifu Prefecture advocates, and it was made in order to promote a ”healthy obstacle reduction-by-half plan.” Enjoying freely a healthy cosmetics method with various people of the prefecture and general visitors, it learns, experiences and practices and is the people’s of the prefecture ”healthy exercise hall” which can be interchanged. Plottage is about 250ha and a scale equivalent to about 53 TOKYO DOME. The inside of a site has various healthy experience institutions centering on a healthy study center, and is preparing various experience programs including the standing lecture which can carry out healthy experience every day.
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Our facilities were established to popularize the health-promoting methods advocated by the Gifu prefectural government, namely the ”Five Health Practices of Gifu”, and to put into action the ”Project of Halving Health Disturbances”. These methods were developed based on the belief that illnesses can be prevented by enhancing a human being’s natural healing power.
Both residents and non-residents are welcome here to try out various health methods and beauty regimens. Through participating in our activities, the visitors can learn, experience, implement and interact socially with each other, as is the aim of this prefectural ”health school”.
The total area of our premises add up to approximately 250 hectares (or 625 acres), which is just about as equivalent to 53 times the space of the Tokyo Dome. Situated within this area are various health facilities starting off from the main institution - the ”Health Study Center”. We utilize our facilities to provide a wide range of work-study programs, such as the standing sessions, which are held everyday.
Yahoo!ニュース - 新聞・通信社などが配信する時事情報のヘッドラインサービス
This institution spread the Gifu method health 5 method (it is the way of staying healthy strengthens spontaneous cure power and it is made not to become sick) which Gifu Prefecture advocates, and it was made in order to promote a ”healthy obstacle reduction-by-half plan.” Enjoying freely a healthy cosmetics method with various people of the prefecture and general visitors, it learns, experiences and practices and is the people’s of the prefecture ”healthy exercise hall” which can be interchanged. Plottage is about 250ha and a scale equivalent to about 53 TOKYO DOME. The inside of a site has various healthy experience institutions centering on a healthy study center, and is preparing various experience programs including the standing lecture which can carry out healthy experience every day.
英語翻訳 - Infoseek マルチ翻訳
This institution spread the Gifu method health 5 method (it is the way of staying healthy strengthens spontaneous cure power and it is made not to become sick) which Gifu Prefecture advocates, and it was made in order to promote a healthy obstacle reduction-by-half plan. health beauty with various people of the prefecture and general visitors -- it is the people’s of the prefecture ”healthy exercise hall” which can be learned, experienced, practiced and interchanged, enjoying usage freely 敷お another-place ground products are about 250ha and a scale equivalent to about 53 TOKYO DOME. The inside of a site has various healthy experience institutions centering on a healthy study center, and is preparing various experience programs including the standing lecture which can carry out healthy experience every day.
The aim of our institution is to promote 5 laws for health of Gifu method, which increase the power of natural healing, and the reduction-by-half plan of health disturbance. Inside the building, prefecture citizens and general visitors can learn and enjoy a variety of health beauty methods in casual ways, and then have a communication each other. It is a kind of “Health-Dojo”.
The size of facilities is about 250ha, which is 53 times as large as Tokyo-Dome. Inside the areas, there are various health interactive centers near the health learning center. Those centers have many courses of lectures about health keeping and interactive programmes in every day.
awindowさんのプロフィール - はてな
Our facility has been established to familiarize to the “Five Gifu health methods” that is the rules of health to strengthen one’s natural healing power to avoid becoming ill, and to promote our plan “Reduce by half the number of people who have health problems”.
Residents as well as visitors are welcomed to our facilities to learn, experience, practice and exchange diverse information and knowledge of health programs.
We are proud to introduce our facility size that is around 53 times as large as the size of the TOKYO DOME; equivalent to 250 ha. The core facility is the health center and you can find various health equipments for public use.
We are also offering daily health promote programs and other wide-range of health experience programs.
Gifu Prefecture と書くのは嫌いなので、そのままGifu(もしくはGifu-ken)としています。 日本ですからね。
確かに、** Prefectureは変な感じがしますね
この回答は、「本県」を「in Gifu Prefecture」に変えただけかな?