「On that night, I traveled in my new VW to El Castillo. The moon was full, the coyotes were howling at her, and I felt a cold wind whipping at my back as I climbed the stairs inside the great pyramid. My offering that night was myself, and my negotiation was to take the greatest amount of courage I have ever had to have, even more courage than facing major league batters.
When I reached the chac mool, a dark cloud must have passed over the moon, because it became pitch black inside the pyramid. My soul felt like it was being pulled out of my body, and I then I saw the great Plumed Serpent himself, standing above the altar, his fiery head weaving, back and forth, in the far reaches of the cavern above me. He was luminescent; a golden-blue snake with smoke coming out of his nostrils, and his head came down out of the darkness toward me, until I was frozen in fear.
“Why have you come?” Kukulkán roared at me, and I could feel the heat from his breath, even though I could also see through his plumed body, with the blue plumes billowing out from his sides like the sails on some ancient ship of the Maya. 」