AWStats Documentation - Configuration directives and parameters
AWStatsのバージョンが不明でしたので、最新版だという前提で回答します。私が使用している 6.5 では動作確認できました。
Version : 5.9+
# AWStats save and sort its database on a month basis, this allows to build
# build a report quickly. However, if you choose the -month=all from command
# line or value ’-Year-’ from CGI combo form to have a report for all year,
# AWStats needs to reload all data for full year, and resort them completely,
# requiring a large amount of time, memory and CPU. This might be a problem
# for web hosting providers that offer AWStats for large sites on shared
# servers to non CPU cautious customers.
# For this reason, the ’full year’ is only enable on Command Line by default.
# You can change this by setting this parameter to 0, 1, 2 or 3.
# Possible values:
# 0 - Never allowed
# 1 - Allowed on CLI only, -Year- value in combo is not visible
# 2 - Allowed on CLI only, -Year- value in combo is visible but not allowed
# 3 - Possible on CLI and CGI
# Default: 2
AWStats Documentation - FAQs
2) You are viewing stats for a year or month when no hits was made on your server.
When you run awstats, the reports is by default for the current month/year.
If you want to see data for another month/year you must:
Add -year=YYYY -month=MM on command line when building the html report page from command line.
Use an URL like http://myserver/cgi-bin/awstats.pl?config=xxx&year=YYYY&... if viewing stats with AWStats used as a CGI.
http://www.example.co.jp/awstats/awstats.pl?year=2005&month=... <- 2005 年全部
http://www.example.co.jp/awstats/awstats.pl?year=2005&month=... <- 2005 年 1 月
http://www.example.co.jp/awstats/awstats.pl?year=2005&month=... <- 2005 年 2 月