ラムゼイ鎮静スケールはMichael A. E. Ramsayにより定められたスケール(BMJ 1974;2:656)で、鎮静する患者のために定められた最初のスケールで、覚醒性のテストとして設計されました。患者の覚醒の度合いを6つの異なるレベルにより記録します。 ほんの鎮静剤または麻薬が与えられる場合はいつでも、それは直観的に明らかなスケールであって、したがって、ICUだけでなく、一般的な使用の役に立ちます。それはペインスコアに加えることができて第6のバイタルサインと考えられることができます。
The Ramsay Sedation Scale (RSS) was the first scale to be defined for sedated patients and was designed as a test of rousability. The RSS scores sedation at six different levels, according to how rousable the patient is. It is an intuitively obvious scale and therefore lends itself to universal use, not only in the ICU, but wherever sedative drugs or narcotics are given. It can be added to the pain score and be considered the sixth vital sign.
Score | Response |
レベル1 | 不安が強い、興奮している、またはそわそわして落ち着きがない。 |
レベル2 | 患者は目覚めており、診療に協力的、オリエンテーション(自分のおかれている時間的、空間的、人間関係的状況の理解)良好、落ち着きがある。 |
レベル3 | 患者は一応目覚めているが、指示に対してのみ応答する程度である。 |
レベル4 | 患者は眠っているが、眉間を軽く大声での呼びかけに、すばやく反応する。 |
レベル5 | 患者は眠っており、眉間を軽く大声での呼びかけに、ゆっくりと反応する。 |
レベル6 | 患者は眠っており、眉間を軽く大声での呼びかけに反応しない。 |
The results of over sedation in the mechanically ventilated patient are an increased time being ventilated, an increased time in the intensive care unit, and an increased cost of care. The common effect of an increasing dose of most sedative agents is respiratory depression. This may facilitate ventilator synchrony, but will prolong the weaning process. In the extubated patient it may be associated with severe hypercarbia, hypoxia and respiratory arrest. There is no sensitive monitor of respiratory depression in the extubated patient, who is receiving supplementary oxygen. Under these circumstances, the only parameters that correlate well with respiratory depression are respiratory pattern and level of consciousness. Respiratory rate and end-tidal carbon dioxide measured via a nasal cannula, are not reliable monitors of depressed respiration [13]. The pulse oximeter is a LATE detector of respiratory depression, when there is an increased concentration of inspired oxygen [14].
How to use the Ramsay Score to assess the level of ICU Sedation
The untoward effects of under sedation include an increased production of endogenous catecholamines, that results in an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption. The patient may be at risk for self injury from the accidental removal of the endotracheal tube or vital catheters. The mental sequelae from being awake while painful, and terrifying procedures are performed on the patient can be the development of a post-traumatic stress disorder, that may require prolonged therapy after discharge [15]. The patients’ who are unresponsive because of the administration of neuromuscular blocking drugs are most at risk [16].
Sleep deprivation is very common, and can result in the development of the typical ICU psychosis [17].
How to use the Ramsay Score to assess the level of ICU Sedation
ラムゼイ鎮静スケールの不利な点はそれが患者の反応する能力に頼るということです。それゆえ、筋弛緩薬投与下の患者ではこのように評価することができません。また、スコア1ではそれ以上の興奮の程度の定義がない、そして、これが記録にとって重要かもしれないとき、出来事があります。The Sedation-Agitation Scale ではこの点が考慮されています。スコア6では麻酔状態なのか深昏睡なのかそれ以上の情報が得られません。この評価は脳波のスペクトル信号解析のモニタリングにより行われ、BIS(bispectral index score)の値が61.7でラムゼイ鎮静スケールのスコア6とよく相関します。
A disadvantage of the RSS is that it relies on the ability of the patient to respond, therefore the patient who has received neuromuscular blocking drugs cannot be assessed in this manner. Also at a level 1 score, there is no further definition of the degree of agitation, and there are occasions when this may be important to record. The Sedation-Agitation Scale does take this into consideration [20]. At the deep end of the scale, a RSS 6, there is no further information as to whether the patient is in a light plane of general anesthesia or deep coma. This assessment can be made from monitoring the compressed spectral array signal from an electroencephalogram, A bispectral index score of 61.7 correlates well with a RSS of 6 [21].
How to use the Ramsay Score to assess the level of ICU Sedation